Friday, April 9, 2010

Friday "My Town" Shootout--Country Roads!

This week's FMTSO was chosen by Gordon in St. Augustine, Florida--country roads!

Head here to see the other participants' fine photos!

Dublin has an interesting situation... in one direction, it's a bustling, modern, suburban city with people scattering hurriedly to and fro.

But... in the other direction, we still have the ranches and fields, full of livestock and crops, that hearken back to the founding days of Dublin, when the horse was the preferred mode of travel.

On the cusp of the two, it's an interesting sight:

(behind me is a MAJOR development being built: Windemere)

And we have to keep our equine friends in mind, too--these are THEIR types of country roads.

But head off the beaten path, you'll find the roads that time pretty much forgot.

(Yes, that's a busy 10 lane freeway behind this small, meandering road...)

Until next week, shutterbugs... :)


  1. Nice blue skies you have there; maybe this weekend we'll finally have those up our way! I hope the developments don't eat up all of your lovely hillsides because they sure are pretty the way they are:)

  2. You have the best of both worlds. Although I would tend to the off the beaten path part of your world, it sure is handy to have the other part when you need something!

  3. Nice! You have a diverse environment in CA. Thanks for posting.

  4. Oh, I can hardly wait until the next post, and Rebecca is right you do have the best of both worlds! I am hoping our skies stay clear, but the pollen is horrible, it follows me a road...

  5. Love those rolling green hills and blue skies!

  6. Thanks all! With our rain, these green hills will be brown in about 6 weeks. :(

  7. I love the rolling hills too. They are so pretty and I love the roads you captured in your photos. Very nice.

  8. Oh you are lucky to be so close to open spaces with all the amenities of town! I admit it can be a bit frustrating at times to have to drive for 40 minutes if you need something as simple as fruit or vegies. But it's all right there for you! Indeed the best of both worlds!

  9. I love your last shot - the road and the poles going up and down past the horizon. good job
