Friday, May 29, 2009

Had to share...

I was driving home tonight and saw a spectacular sunset. So, I grabbed my camera!

(if you click on the first photo and look at the distant mountains, you can see the fog rolling in over them!)

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful sunsets. I so love to shoot them. I had a long day one day last week, and I had rushed home to upload my photos to the newspaper to make a deadline. I had not eaten all day, so we went out to dinner. I take at least one camera with me whenever I ever go out, but I did not even want to look at a camera that night. Lesson learned.

    It had been raining all day, and when we got a mile into town there was a mix of lightening (it was a fantastic light show!), black clouds and the most beautiful sunset on the bay. I don't think I have ever seen anything like it.
